Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sleep mask prototype assembly and initial testing (or, now that the hardware's built, it's only 90% of the project left to do)

The next step in the development of the Sleep Mask was fabricating the 'final' prototype, and doing some initial testing to make certain that there were no shorts.

The front and back of the assembled board (with battery and display attached) are shown below.  The smallest surface-mount parts (including the charger and headphone amplifier ICs) were placed on syringe-applied solder paste and 'baked' into place using a cheap electric skillet; the remainder of the parts were applied manually, using a conventional iron (the reason for this roundabout assembly method is detailed in a previous post; long story short, I bought the wrong paste).

Being extra-cautious, I checked each of the solder joints on the tight-pitch ICs before adding the rest of the components.  Being extra-paranoid, I introduced cuts into the power traces, so that I could monitor current usage as I re-connected different subsystems (this is evident in the backside image).

Front of assembled board; display not yet mechanically fixed
Back of assembled board; display not fixed; connector to mask lights/sensor at bottom

With everything reconnected and no programming loaded into the controller, the device drew 4.6mA; with phones plugged in (and, again, no programming and thus no signal being output), the device drew 44.5mA.  Even with the tiny battery I have connected now (450mAh), this is low enough to allow for a full night's use on a charge; of course, this doesn't take into account the power used by the IR REM sensor illuminator, the display or the extra power which may be expended to generate actual sounds with the headphones.  However, power use appears to be dominated by the audio system, so I am not too concerned right now.

I connected the assembled board to the mask (shown twice below); additionally, the display is scotch-taped to the board to secure it mechanically (but reversibly so).

The only things left for the hardware are to fix the board and battery to the mask and to install the red LEDs in the eyecups (these will be used to flash at the user during alarm conditions).  I'll also need to install a header to allow for repeated programming.  All that's left for the software... is everything.

Or course, this is the roughest sort of prototype, meant to prove the concept and develop the basic REM detection algorithms and the framework of the eventual overall program architecture.  In addition to about a million changes to the overall mechanics of the mask (formed neoprene base? injection-molded face for the buttons/display), the main board itself would undergo a lot of beneficial changes, mostly to decrease its size.  As I've commented before, the components I've used are ones I have a stock of locally; as such, they are rated for far more current/voltage/power/dissipation than needed for the current application.  Additionally, the controller is the easy-to-hand-solder TQFP, rather than the absolute smallest package available.  As a result, I suspect that a future version of the device, with all the same functionality but reduced part size, could be as small as one quarter of the area of this version.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Project updates (or, trading a few milligrams of epidermis for a few milligrams of reflowed solder)

Due to travel (and actual, legitimate research), I've not been able to progress on these projects much in the last few weeks.  Additionally, getting the boards from Seeed took a little while (though it was worth it, 10 boards for 15$ is nothing to sneeze at; they're shown immediately below).

Today, I got back into things by trying out a little hot skillet reflow.  Going off of resources at SparkFun and this instructable, it seemed the cheapest method available to me.  To apply the paste, I didn't have the time, money or patience to do solder paste stencilling (shown in the previous links); so, I applied the paste manually, as at this site.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the paste formulations are different between stencil and syringe application; I loaded some stencil paste from Sparkfun (here) into a syringe and it was very tough to get it to come out.

One thing to be aware of with the stencil-type solder paste: it behaves a lot more like wet sand than any sort of easily-coaxed gel.  Syringe-type paste might behave a little better/differently.

In any event, I was able to reflow the majority of the components on the (hastily thrown together) helmet flasher board, shown below (apologies for the poor picture quality).  I have seen heating-element control boards for toaster ovens and skillets to get the perfect heat profile; in my case, cranking the thing up to max temp and waiting for the solder to turn shiny sufficed.  Note the blue wire fix; I forgot to connect the enable line for the step-up to a free pin on the controller.

Debugging revealed only two small errors in the reflow; two of the pins on the stepup controller were bridged (easily separated) and one of the resistors in the current controller didn't reflow (also easily rectified).  The step-up produces 'high voltage' (16.5V), the pots have all been manually set (one to set the high voltage level, the other two to set the maximum constant-current levels) and the controller talks to my programmer.

The next steps for this quick project are A) create a simple program for this thing, and B) assemble the in-helmet parts of the project (lights, switches and 2xAA battery pack installed, wiring routed).  There's also the more pie-in-the-sky goal of implementing the EL drivers (but I haven't quite sourced the transformers yet; not enough of my CFL bulbs have gone out yet).

Of course, just because the project has barely started doesn't mean I'm not already thinking about version 2; specifically, I'd want to implement the following changes:
A: source smaller components, with specs sized more appropriately for this project.
B: add a LiPolymer battery and charger circuit to allow the controller module to be more monolithic and allow it to be charged over micro USB.
C: figure out a better connector solution between the helmet and the controller; the 0.1" headers I'm using were chosen for inventory convenience.