Thursday, March 7, 2013

Toward triangular-tesselated Game of Life wrapped onto regular polyhedra (or, MATLAB's handle graphics interface is simultaneously terrible and the best solution possible)

As I outlined in a previous post, I want to build a device which will display Conway's Game of Life.  To make things a little more interesting, it will do this using a triangular tesselation (rather than the much more common square pattern), and faces of 25 pixels will be folded and assembled to form a regular polyhedron.

Since building the device will be a large undertaking and the firmware will be very complicated (in a way which would make small errors generally difficult to isolate), I have implemented the device in simulation using the MATLAB environment.  This has allowed me to verify that my mapping of the pixels and implementation of the game update rules is correct.


The first shape is the tetrahedron, show below.  Since the tetrahedron is difficult to visualize in a 2D projection, I've posted two images of the same pattern from two different angles.  It's a period-3 oscillator under the rule {4,6,4,4}.  Implementing this form will only require one of the four-triangle circuit sets I've designed.


Below, I show show the evolution of a glider pattern, also under rule {4,6,4,4}.  The period of its circumnavigation of the device is 45.


The same glider pattern, also rule {4,6,4,4}.  Circumnavigation takes 75 generations.


The MATLAB files I used are here.  To instantiate one of the above forms, just run createIcosaTRI([4,6,4,4]), with your desired rule in the brackets.  The other shape creation functions are createTetraTRI and createOctaTRI.

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